Student Solution


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Part II of Gonzalez

Part II of Gonzalez

Q Assignment for the next 2 weeks: Read and write 2 journal paper entries - Due by March 11th. Read Part II of Gonzalez, The Story of Christianity Write a 2 page report on the following questions for each chapter division chapters 9-13 and Part II: WHAT DOES THIS MATTER journal Must be one paper on Ch 9-13 and one paper on Part II - Answer the following questions on the journal • What relevance do this week’s readings have for the Church of the 21st century? What is to be learned? Remembered? Forgotten? • What relevance do this week’s readings have for my field of service - hospital chaplain for me • What relevance do this week’s readings have for me as a person? Where is God in this? What invitations can or should be explored? The rubric is in the syllabus I sent. All paper must be Turabian 12 point Time New Roman.

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The readings for this week make the readers understand the religious tolerance is important for individuals to live in peace in any generation. Therefore, doctrinal disagreements must be forgotten by Christians to not develop more segregations or denominations of the church. The only thing to be remembered by Christians of all church denominations of the 21st century is to have steadfast and complete on Jesus Christ and the Bible. Another important aspect of religion is that every believer must be given the freedom to keep believing or losing faith in a religion. The believer must be able to decide whether the belief in Jesus Christ is really providing the believer the mental satisfaction and peace with the filling of the Holy Spirit or not.